LN Cast with DJ Seeds [Episode 48]
DJ Seeds, creator of LNCast.com and TFTC.io, joins me to talk about better podcasting revenue models, specifically with LNcast, a pay-per-episode podcatcher running on lightning and BTCPay. We talk about the traditional methods of podcasting advertisements, various details of RSS and get a little bit into the new tftc.io site with lightning payments.
Follow DJ:
DJ on Twitter - https://twitter.com/dj_seeds
LNCast on Twitter - https://twitter.com/lnpodcasts
LNCast - https://lncast.com
TFTC - https://tftc.io
Episode 13 with Nicolas Dorier - https://anchor.fm/bottomshelfbtc/episodes/Nicolas-Dorier-explains-becoming-your-own-payment-processor-with-BTCPay-Episode-13-e2rsni
BTCPay - https://btcpayserver.org
Docs - https://docs.btcpayserver.org
Pavlenex's easy BTCPay Tutorial - https://bitcoinshirt.co/cheap-and-easy-btcpay-server-installation-lunanode/
Support the Show:
https://lncast.com - LN Cast (lightning powered podcasting)
https://tallyco.in/bottomshelfbtc - Tally Coin donation
https://patreon.com/bottomshelfbitcoin - Patreon
https://bottomshelfbitcoin.com/donate - Donation page
https://bottomshelfbitcoin.com/kidsbook - Tuttle Twins - Great kids books and a great way to support the show!
Music Credits:
Morning Ritual by L'Indecis
https://soundcloud.com/chillhopdotcom/lindecis-morning-ritual - Listen on Soundcloud
http://chillhop.com/listen - Chillhop Records
http://bit.ly/ChillhopSpotify - Listen on Spotify
Fatherhood by Joakim Karud
https://joakimkarud.bandcamp.com/track/fatherhood - Purchase on Bandcamp
https://soundcloud.com/joakimkarud/fatherhood?in=joakimkarud/sets/loudness-clarity-ep - Listen on Soundcloud